Terms and Conditions

For your convenience, we'll automatically issue you a new plan every 12 months unless you contact us to cancel. We'll use your current payment method and notify you in advance of any changes to your plan or premium.

Pre-existing conditions are not covered.

Conditions that show symptoms before the plan's effective date or during a waiting period will be considered pre-existing and ineligible for coverage, even if they haven't been formally diagnosed or treated by a veterinarian. However, we will no longer consider a condition to be pre-existing if it has been cured and free of symptoms and treatment for 180 days, with the exception of knee and ligament conditions. If a knee or ligament condition occurs before the coverage effective date or during a waiting period, any future ones won't be covered.

The information provided must be accurate.

Coverage may be cancelled if important information about a pet is intentionally not disclosed or is misrepresented.

Pet Residence Restriction

Your pet must reside with you at the primary address listed on the declarations page. It is your responsibility to notify us of any change in address. A change in your primary address may result in a change to coverage availability and rates.

Pet parents must be 18 or older to purchase this insurance.

Waiting periods apply in the first plan period.

Complete Coverage℠ and Accident-Only Coverage begins on the 15th day after the policy effective date listed on policy. Coverage for Preventive care starts on the policy effective date. The waiting period begins on the first effective date of the applicable coverage. Conditions that show symptoms before the plan's effective date or during a waiting period will be considered pre-existing and ineligible for coverage, even if they haven't been formally diagnosed or treated by a veterinarian. However, we will no longer consider a condition to be pre-existing if it has been cured and free of symptoms and treatment for 180 days, with the exception of knee and ligament conditions. If a knee or ligament condition occurs before the coverage effective date or during a waiting period, any future ones won't be covered.

Authorization to access medical information and records

By enrolling, you authorize us to access all medical information and records that we need to assess your pet's health either prior to or when you submit a claim and you agree to provide us with any missing medical information and records. You must also provide proof of identity of your pet if we request it.

Rules apply for certain discounts

If you are eligible for a discount due to your employment status, group membership or affiliation you must inform us of any change in eligibility status.

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Monday to Friday, 8:00am – 8:00pm EST
