3 Reasons You Must Have Insurance for Your Pet

 1. Emergency Rooms Are Expensive

Whether you have a dog or cat, know that they will have emergency situations. You can provide them with the safest, most loving home, but all pets seem to find their way into trouble at least once. 

Broken bones, swallowing odd, dangerous objects, escaping the property and getting injured can all require trips to the ER. 

But, emergency visits can be expensive. Often, your dog or cat will need medicine right away. The pharmacies at the animal ER charge outrageous prices (a small bottle of anti-biotic may cost $10 at your normal pharmacy, but will cost 10 – 20x’s that at the ER). The vet’s treatments aren’t cheap, either. 

To make sure that your pet is covered, medically, you need insurance. Health insurance can help cover most of the costs (sometimes all). Even if you need to put out money up front, you can rest easy knowing you’ll get some back through your insurance provider. 

Even if full-coverage is out of your price range, ensuring emergency medical care will pay for itself many times over. 

 2. Chronic Illness

In the unfortunate event that your dog or cat (or multiple dogs and cats) are afflicted with a chronic illness, you need to be able to cover their medical expenses. Most dog and cat rescuers would go to the end of the Earth to keep their pets safe. 

Insurance keeps you from needing to go to such extremes. 

Insurance can help cover medications and treatments for those with chronic illness. Advances in vet medicine have extended the lives of millions of dogs and cats that would have been put down just a decade ago. Medicine can take away pain, manage internal problems, and keep your dog healthy for many extra years. 

 3. Fighting Increased Care Costs

As your pet ages, it costs more for medical treatments. Insurance will help offset those costs. This alone can pay for itself many times over as your dog or cat ages. Keeping them healthy is your number one priority, so don’t let money be the deciding factor in their health. Insurance, like that from Nuzzle, will keep you and your fur-babies covered no matter how old they are.

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