A Guide for Choosing the Best Toys for Your Pup

The sounds, the colors, the cuteness— entering a pet supply shop or website can result in sensory overload for both you and your pet. Thankfully the team at Pawsome know toys and we want to showcase the perfect toys for your dog.

With such a wide variety of options, it can be hard to find a toy of decent quality that will also speak to your dog’s unique style of play and personality. Every dog is different; some like squeakers, others stuffed toys, other balls and ropes.

In order to choose the right toy for your pup, the first consideration should always be safety. Carefully inspect toys, read the product descriptions and disregard those that appear fragile, easily destroyed, or have small parts that could be ingested.

Here is a breakdown of some of the most popular types of toys for pups.

Chew Toys

A chew toy can be a favorite of dogs of all ages— even long after the teething days. Malleable, rubberized toys are extremely popular and come in all shapes and sizes. If a rubber toy has a hole, or tube like shape, it is important to make sure there is a hole on each end to avoid suction when your pup is playing. Suction in a one-ended toy could get your pup’s tongue stuck— and that’s no fun.

For teething puppies, try hollow rubber toys like The Hydrant from Spunky Pup. This is a firm, durable chew toy that is fantastic for puppies to chew on and improve their teeth. It is also designed to add delicious rewards like peanut butter, so that a teething puppy can be rewarded for giving you 5 minutes of peace and quiet.

Edible chews, like bully sticks and lambs’ ears, are often popular with dogs as well. In this space, be wary of hard bones or antlers with puppies whose teeth as still fragile and developing and with senior dogs whose teeth may be compromised by age. Also, dogs have a tendency of swallowing these treats whole before they are of a safe size, so always monitor your pup while they chow down.

Stuffed Toys

Stuffed, plush toys are the preference of a more discerning type of dog— some dogs cherish them while carrying them around the house and others are on a mission to destroy them in record time. If a stuffed toy rips open and the stuffing is exposed or accessible, the toy should be thrown away immediately. If the toy has a squeaker embedded, be wary of this choking hazard. Digesting stuffing from plush toys can cause blockages in your dog’s digestive system so if your dog is a destroyer — up the challenge by avoiding soft, stuffed toys.

One of our favorite stuffed toys is the Plush Sock Monkey from PetQwerks. The four color options will make it hard for you to choose one.

Tug Toys

These toys are best used when your pup has a playmate— whether that’s you or another dog. When not playing, these types of toys should be put away to avoid shredding. Playing tug-of-war is great exercise for your dog to release their prey drive in an acceptable, controlled manner. Teach your dog to let you win at the end of playtime by rewarding those who refuse to let go with a treat when they politely “leave it.” In our store, we have a fantastic eco-friendly Beco Rope toy, the large triple knot toy.

We love spoiling our pups and many dog owners often find themselves spending more money on their pets than on themselves. No matter how many toys your pet may have, try rotating what toys are accessible to them in their baskets or in their reach. This will help avoid toy fatigue and help your pup get excited over and over again by the same few toys.

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