The 6 Best Places to Find Rescue Cats and Dogs

Each year millions of people go in search of getting a new dog or cat. Do you go with a breeder or do you go to rescue? What should you do? What is right for the dog or cat? There are so many questions and thankfully digital tools can be a massive help. At Pawsome, we believe you should find the right cat or dog for your lifestyle, so we want to list the best tools and services to find the perfect pet.


Google is the best method of search for just about anything, and dog and cat rescue is no different. A simple Google search of breed+rescue+city can help you find a rescue group for just about any kind of dog. If you aren’t concerned with breed, just search dog/cat+rescue+city/state. You’ll find dozens of results, even in rural areas.

Google is also helpful in evaluating the rescue group. It’s easy to spot scammers (yes, scammers exist even in something as pure as animal rescue), or groups that are not treating animals properly. Thankfully, with the transparency of the internet, both of those problems are quickly disappearing.


Facebook is loaded with dog and cat rescue groups. Cross-posting, the act of reading about a homeless pet, then sharing it to your own page, the page of friends, or the pages of other groups, has saved countless lives.

Facebook also allows for transparent communication between rescue and adopter.

Foster postings, adoptions, happy endings, and information can easily be shared. This spreads awareness of a homeless pet’s plight, or awareness of the homelessness problem in general, at lightening speeds, and has brought thousands of new rescuers into the fold.


Petfinder does a good job of acting as a search hub for pet adoption. It has sections for dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, and other pets.

You have to be mindful of where the search takes you on Petfinder, however. Sometimes breeders try to sneak in and sell dogs to adopted-minded people, taking advantage of the confusion of being listed on a rescue site.

Social Media

Besides Facebook, other social media sites such as Twitter and Instagram can help get the word out about pets in need. It also helps you mine your entire social circle to either find a rescue dog or cat, or to help get a homeless pet into a safe home.

Avoid Craigslist?

Craigslist presents a heartbreaking dilemma.

One the one hand, there are hundreds of cats and dogs placed for adoption (or sale) on the site every day. And, those dogs and cats are easy prey for dog fighting rings and other abusive people.

This can make it difficult to resist helping the dogs and cats listed.

On the other hand, Craigslist is notorious for scamming well-intentioned people who were only looking to help an animal, and were ripped off, robbed, or hurt.

If you decide to go the craigslist route, please go in well-informed. Get things in writing. And, if you are concerned that an animal is in an abusive situation, contact the authorities.

Classified Ads

The classified ads in your local newspaper, or even the local penny-saver, can be a good place to help an animal in need. You’ll find many backyard breeders trying to sell dogs in this section, but you’ll also find many dogs and cats in need of a home. The owners may not know about rescue groups, or be familiar with internet listings. Scanning these newspapers can help you stumble upon a pet that is nearing the end of the line, and help you save their life.

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